We present you an awesome photography WordPress Theme. With it you can create your own unique and beautiful site of photographer, photo school, photography agency or photo studio. Various galleries will show the uniqueness of your work, and a simple and convenient store – to sell your valuable photos.
*Please note that theme does not include the images in the source zip file.
Minimum supported PHP version 5.4
- WooCommerce version update 3.5Version 2.1.8
- Fixed some CSS issues with using https protocol.Version 2.1.7
- WooCommerce version update.Version 2.1.6
- Fixed JS Portfolio error (item count).Version 2.1.5
- WooCommerce version update.Version 2.1.4
- Added Full responsive slider in the single project page.Version 2.1.3
- Added Full WooCommerce 3.0 compatible.Version 2.1.2
- Added logo resizingVersion 2.1
- New pages: Photografer 2, Wedding, Contact 2 - New Hover effects for portfolioVersion 2.0 - Please read here How to update on new version 2.0
- New Shop version (with ratings, sorting and etc) - New Galleries (Pop-up, Flow) - New Hover effects for portfolio - New Customizing (Portfolio images sorting, Show on/of description & name photos, Photos align )Version 1.3.8
-Fixed WooCommerce (CSS) errors on 22.02.2017Version 1.3.7
-Fixed Galleries css errors on 14.02.2017Version 1.3.6
-Fixed WooCommerce errors on 07.02.2017Version 1.3.5
-Added new black version
-Added color customization (color of top menu, footer and etc.)Version 1.3.4
-Fixed css errorsVersion 1.3.3
-Added possibility to use custom fonts, custom icon fonts
-Added possibility to change color of the footer and footer text.Version 1.3.2
-Added pop-up to galleries, portfolioVersion 1.3.1
- Add shop (WooCommerce)
- Add new home page "Agency"
- Add new gallery - Packery, - Fullscreen
- fixed css errors (mobile version)Version 1.2
- Add new portfolio
- Add parallax (banner shortcode, slider shortcode)
- Add animation (banner shortcode, slider shortcode)Version 1.1
- Fixed css errors
- Fixed install demo content errorsVersion 1.0
- Theme Release