INK TATTOO STUDIO is creative theme for tattoo and piercing studios but it is also great for any portfolio or personal/creative presentation website.
INK TATTOO STUDIO is HTML5, Bootstrap3, responsive, single page theme with 2 single page styles, with additional page templates, blog pages, built with Options Framework and it comes in 6 color styles.
1.Theme can easily be transformed in multi-page theme using additional page template and second menu for pages.
2. If you want to use only one image on top of theme you can set front page to use “front page template with slider” and add meta-slider shortcode to first section of theme to get top image. Or if you add more images you will get slider like in preview. Or you can try with other WordPress plugin sliders like this one parallax: (theme not tested with this plugin, it is just recommendation so you can try)
3. If you need to reorder page sections or any posts (custom post types or regular WP posts) use this plugin:
NOTICE: Choose color style in options panel in your dashboard to get theme styling. If you have problem with colors ( eg you don’t get correct color on every element ) please open style.css and delete it’s content and it will resolve color problem.
or send message for more details
If you like INK TATTOO STUDIO theme please rate it five stars.
how to rate theme
If you have pre-sale question feel free to ask through Themeforest contact form
If you already bought theme/template, before you ask for support please read documentation that you downloaded with theme and additional information for buyers about support.
Thank you
Version 2.9
25. April 2019.
- text strings escaped
Version 2.8
21. March 2019.
- rt itstheme functions plugin updated to version 2.5
- Gutenberg styling improved
- functions.php file updated
- scripts.js file updated
Version 2.7
27. February 2019
- Gutenberg optimization
- Envato theme check tested
- rt itsthemefunctions plugin updated to version 2.4
23. March 2018
Version 2.6
- WooCommerce support added
- Menu bug on theme setup fixed
17. August 2016.
Version 2.5
- Rt itstheme functions plugin updated to version 2.3
- TGM plugin activation updated to version 2.6.1
- boxed and wide page templates added
- dropped compatibility with old plugins (font awesome and testimonials widgets)
- added compatibility with new “better font awesome” plugin
- new custom post type for testimonials added (add it in pages with this shortcode: [rt-its-testimonials limit=”-1” order=”ASC”] )
- flickity carousel js added for testimonials carousel
22. December 2015.
Version 2.4 – small PHP fix in functions.php
19. October 2015.
Version 2.3 – Copyright field improved and moved from customizer to appearance/theme-options. – retina.js removed (it is recommended to use plugins for retina images instead). – child theme improved (necessary files added).
22. September 2015.
Version 2.2 – few text strings updated, rt-itstheme-functions plugin updated to 2.2 version, tgm activation updated to 2.5.2 version
8. June 2015
Version 2.1 – permalinks issue (404 page no found) fixed, slugs for CPT’s added, TGM plugin 2.4.2 latest official version added, child theme included
26. April 2015.
Related to the XSS vulnerability, TGM plugin updated tp 2.5, posts query php files added in custom plugin, pagination bug fixed, Theme Options panel updated to version: 1.9.1, WP 4.2 tested
24th December 2014.
- Menu bug fixed
- New xml preview content file added (to resolve problem with headline background position – add br tag above headline shortcode in text editor)
22nd October 2014.
File for testimonials plugin updated for plugin version 3.0
03rd May 2014.
-top slider improved
-improved single pages for team-artist, gallery, gallery-isotope and portfolio post types.
-improved parallax scrolling
-fixed bug in menu scrolling active links
-improved responsive images
-documentation updated
-old filter gallery custom post removed
-If you update from previous version you will probably need to make few changes in theme’s content. In new version every custom post type ( team, gallery, gallery isotope, portfolio ) has new field for content “excerpt”. Remove all content that you have in text editor to excerpt. Text editor content will now appear only in single custom post pages, excerpt content will appear in main front page.
28th March 2014.
- New custom post type “Gallery isotope” added. You can use it instead of Galleryfilter post type which is depreciated. Add it in page section with shortcode [galleryisotope]
-You can use this plugin for popup image: Activate it by copy/paste this code into gallery isotope posts / excerpt:
<a href="LINK TO YOUR IMAGE HERE" rel="wp-video-lightbox" title="This is the description">Project name</a>
20th March 2014.
- Options panel now has more options for adding/removing subtitle and scroll link
- Mobile menu changed ( dropdown links now always open for mobile screens )
- Title margin that was appear in mobile now removed
- Front page with slider template – in php file top margin 100px removed.
26th February 2014. ( If you update from previous version and occur errors please let me know )
-Theme is now translation ready ( po and mo files included )
- Filterable gallery added
- Slider testimonial added
- Template “front page slider” added for top slider ( Meta slider plugin )
- Documentation updated
Aguafina Script and PT Sans ( Google fonts )
Images credit:
Images are not included in download.